
YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control
  • YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote ControlYePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control
  • YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote ControlYePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control
  • YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote ControlYePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control
  • YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote ControlYePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control

YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control

YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control ine mukurumbira muAustralia, takawana mukurumbira wakanaka nekuda kwemhando yepamusoro, mutengo wemakwikwi uye sevhisi yakanaka.


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Product Description

YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control

1.Product Nhanganyaya

YePTX4 433.92 MHz Rolling Code Garage Door Remote Control.

PTX4 Inoenderana ne


PTX-4 Pink



2.Product Specification

Decoder IC

Rolling Code



Operating voltage

12v A27 (yemahara bhatiri inosanganisirwa)

Transmit distance

25-50m munzvimbo yakashama

3.Product Application

Sliding gate remote control

Auto gedhi remote control

Sliding door remote control

Kutenderedza gonhi remote control


4.Programming mirayiridzo

1. Vhura bhokisi remugamuchiri wako. Inowanikwa padivi pemota yako.

2. Pabhodhi redunhu rekugamuchira, shandisa bhatani rekugadzirisa uye rega iende (ENR, MEMO, PROG, REC maererano nemuenzaniso) Chiedza che LED pane chinogamuchira chinovhenekera kana kupenya.

3. Dzvanya bhatani paremote yako itsva kwesekondi imwe.

4. Rega bhatani riende. Chiedza che LED pane chinogamuchira chinodzima pakarepo kana mumasekonzi gumi anotevera zvichienderana nemuenzaniso.


5. Details Images


Q1. Iwe unopa OEM?

Chokwadi, gamuchirai OEM uye DEM


Q2. Unotarisa pamusika upi?

Isu tinoita global market. Misika yese yakakosha kwatiri.


Q3. Iwe unogona sei kuvimbisa kunaka mukugadzirwa kwehuwandu?

Zvishandiso zvedu zvepakutanga zvichaongororwa zvakasimba zvisati zvagadzirwa uye QC yedu ichatevera mhando maererano mukugadzira. Tisati tabuda mufekitori, isu tine kanopfuura katanhatu kunyatsoongorora


Q4. Ndingawana here sampuli ndisati ndaodha

Chokwadi. Kugamuchirwa muenzaniso wekuraira!


Q5. sei uchifanira kutenga kubva kwatiri kwete kubva kune vamwe vatengesi?

Isu tiri nyanzvi mugaraji remusuwo kure, alarm kure, mobile remote, mota iri kure uye inogamuchira, control board. pamusoro pe200 mhando dziri kure dzatinogona kupa. YeMota, yemusuwo wegaraji, yemusuwo wekushambira, yemusuwo weroller ...

Sravana Sameeralu Serial 4th Hot Tags: YePTX4-433.92-MHz-Rolling-Code-Garage-Door-Remote-Control, Garage gonhi riri kure, Garage gonhi riri kure reLiftmaster, Garage gonhi riri kure reChamberlain, Garage gonhi riri kure reMerlin, Transmitter, Radio control, Swimming gonhi riri kure, Rolling gonhi kure, China, Manufacturers, Suppliers
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